Take the Quiz
Answer these four simple questions to see if you could have a hormonal imbalance caused by perimenopause.
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

Fabulous, I'm raring to go and jump out of bed full of excitement and ready to start the day.
OK, but sometimes I wake up unrefreshed.
Tired and it's a real struggle most mornings. My sleep is erratic and some nights I'm awake all night. I'm constantly tired.
A mixture of B and C; it depends how well I slept the night before as to how refreshed I feel in the morning.
You look in the mirror before you go for an important meeting. How do you feel?

Awesome. I love the way I look and feel everytime I look in the mirror.
I wish I was slimmer. I would love to lose a few pounds.
The signs of ageing are creeping in and I hate it.
A mixture of B and C; it really depends on the day.
How is your worklife / career / business these days?

Thriving, I'm in my element now that I have the benefit of maturity and wisdom to make it my own.
It's good but I wish I was younger because I have less time ahead of me and less energy than I used to have.
I have brain fog. It's slowing everything down, I keep forgetting things. Some days I just feel like I can't cope.
It depends. Some days I'm on top of the world and sometimes I feel like giving up! I wish it was more consistent.
How is your mood?

Great. I'm loving life, positive, forward thinking and full of optimism for my future.
OK, but sad sometimes that time is running away with me and I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace getting older.
I feel depressed, anxious or sad and this is having an impact on my day to day life. I've considered or I am taking medication for my mental health.
Up and down. No two days are the same but I have had times when I've burst into tears or felt low for no reason.
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Am I Perimenopausal?
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